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We offer affordable services.

Property Transfers

Property Transfers is the process of changing ownership of a property and is also known as conveyancing. The process of Property Transfers is done via a Title Deed ,a legal document listing the owner of the property. The Title Deed is then filed at the Deeds Office.

Labour Law

Labour Law matters such as unfair dismissal, dismissal for misconduct or dismissal for poor work performance can be referred to the CCMA or Labour Court to ensure that your rights and responsibilities are protected as an employee or employer.

Criminal Law

Any unlawful criminal offence will be prosecuted by the State. Less serious offences such as Speeding,  Assault, Driving under the influence etc. will be dealt with in the District Court. More serious offences such as Murder, Rape, Robbery etc. will be dealt with in the Regional Court.

Debt Collection

Debt Collection is the Legal Process of collecting payments for the amount owed to a Creditor which will be paid back with interest. This process can be applied for the collection of money in matters such as Outstanding School Fees, Outstanding Rent, Outstanding Loans etc.

Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation applies to any Legal Disputes between two or more parties to claim monetary damages or to seek specific performances. Civil matters do not include criminal accusations.  Minor Civil matters dealing with the amount up to R200 000.00  will be dealt with in the District Court. Civil matters dealing with the amount between R200 000.00 up to R400 000.00 will be dealt with in the Regional Court. Civil matters dealing with the amount over R400 000.00 will be dealt with in the High Court.

Deceased Estates

Deceased Estate comes into existence when a person has passed away, leaving assets to be distributed amongst the heirs. The Deceased Estate must be distributed in terms of the Deceased’s valid Will or in terms of the Intestate Succession Act if the Deceased did not have a valid Will.  

Family law

Family law regulates the relationship between family members and spouses including matters such as Divorce, Maintenance,Children’s Court matters ect. These matters will be dealt with in the suitable Court which can include District Court, Regional Court, High Court or the Children’s Court.

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